
70-487 Study Info

I recently study for and pass Microsoft exam 70-487. This was the last test I needed for my Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certification. It feel good to have this one under my belt. I thought the test covered a lot more information then the other two I took for this certification but in the end I might have over studied…

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Development, Process


Given-When-Then is a way to represent behaviors or ‘features’ of a system. Also, know as Gherkin it is heavily used in Behavior-Driven-Development or BDD as well as Test-Driven-Development TDD. Here is a quick definition of each part of the style. Given – This describes the state of the system before any action is taking. In other frameworks, this is knowns…

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Update Git on Windows

Over the last few years, the changes to the commands available for git has exploded. I was looking at some of the new commands and one looked super awesome. Switching branches has always been a little non-intuitive to me when using the git command line. You run the following command: This has always weird because I was not checking out…

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Solving a Problem – High-Level Framework

I was asked an interesting question on Linked In this week that got me thinking about what steps/roles do different areas of a business play in building solutions.  Each part below has a different but important part to play in the problem-solving process. Now there are exceptions to this, but I have found this to be very successful. The business,…

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What is your Motivation?

I find Ted talks to be very interesting. Over the last few years, I have listened to one almost every night before bed. As a technologist who likes to solve hard problems this last one I listened to had a big impact on me. I think you should take a few minutes and listen. I have seen the problem of…

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Lunch and Learn (Breakfast and Learn)

It is important to continue with learning and growing as a professional. One thing that has helped me continue to grow and learn is hosting lunch and learns at the different places I have worked. During this process I have formulated a little outline that might help you start your own lunch and learn (Breakfast and Learn, Brown Bag, Show…

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Architecture, Standards

T-SQL Documentation

This is a standard of how we should document databases and data structures. Philosophy In order to fully understand our data structures and to make our software more maintainable we want to have good documentation of our T-SQL. This helps lower errors in code and helps future developers understand why a database or data structure exists. Documentation Guidance Database Each…

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Architecture, Standards

T-SQL Code Readability and Format

This standard should provide guidance for developers who are writing and working in T-SQL. This for all T-SQL code including stored procedures, function, etc… Philosophy We want to have code the is readable and formatted in a consistent manner across enterprise. This will help provide high quality development as well as it will lower the cost of future maintenance of…

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Architecture, Standards

T-SQL Error Handling

This is a architectural pattern for handling errors in T-SQL. Philosophy The philosophy we will be using for error handling is that we want to make sure that all errors are understood and handled appropriately. This is important for T-SQL because we do not want to corrupt data, stop processing or have silent errors.   We will be using TRY CATCH…

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